25 August 2009


The festival names on this blog have been changed to protect the innocent and should the name be of an actual festival this is simply a coincidence. Eventually, festival names may be revealed, but only if END is accepted, it’s better that way.
Christopher and I are submitting END to a slew of great festivals; we know realistically that we can’t get into all of them, and that no matter how great END is it just won’t be a fit for some festivals. We made a very different kind of movie. However, even though I am OK with this knowledge the waiting is killing me.

The Fred film festival is the festival we pushed END through the last throws of post-production in May so that we could meet their June deadline. We made it, applied and have been waiting ever since. According to withoutabox.com we were supposed to have been notified as to our festival acceptance or denial by August 15.

August 15 came and went and we heard nothing. I e-mailed and still nothing. I assumed END was out and the people at Fred were too nice and too busy to tell me we were out. Finally, Christopher called the people at Fred yesterday and got slightly more positive news.

We’re not out. There are some people that are definitely out and have already been told. END has made it through for one of the final stages and we’ll be notified when the last announcement is made in two weeks.

Whether END is selected or not, it’s kinda cool that our little movie has made it this far.